Baby teeth filling, whether white or silver, your child should have very minor discomfort. If the filling is placed in between the tooth/teeth, the gums in the area may be a little sore with very minor bleeding due to the cavity being close to the gum or under the gum.
Adult teeth filling can have more sensitivity after placement if the cavity is close to the nerve. It will be normal if the tooth feels sensitive while eating, especially to cold food or drink. The sensitivity can last from a few days to a few weeks, all depending on how well each tooth heal itself
- Baby Dental Exams in Brighton
- Pediatric preventative services
- Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) in Brighton
- Dental Fillings in Brighton
- Dental Crowns in Brighton
- Root Canal Treatment in Brighton
- Tooth Extractions in Brighton
- Space Maintainers in Brighton
- Braces in Brighton
- Myobrace in Brighton
- Pediatric sedation
- Tongue Tie Release Treatment in Brighton
- Athletic Mouth Guard in Brighton
- Dental X-rays in Brighton