When Do Your Child’s Molars Erupt?

When Do Your Child's Molars Erupt?

Your child’s tooth eruption timeline is an ever-changing and evolving process as they grow from toddlers to teens. Depending on their age and which teeth are erupting, they may need certain preventative care steps like sealants, or even oral surgery for wisdom tooth removal.

What are Molars?

Molars are the very most back teeth that are used for grinding and breaking down food. Throughout your child’s life, they will get 8 primary (baby) molars and 12 permanent (adult) molars.

Baby Molar Eruption

Your child’s primary molars typically erupt around the ages of 1 and 2. That’s why your general or pediatric dentist in Brighton will usually refer to them as “one-year molars” and “two-year molars.” Around those birthdays, be on the lookout for new teeth further back in their mouth. Keep in mind this timeframe can fluctuate by several months. As those teeth grow in, you’ll want to help your child reach their toothbrush a little further back in their mouth to keep those new teeth clean.

Permanent Molars

After your child gets their primary molars, it will be a few more years before their permanent molars start to erupt. Remember that a tooth eruption timeline can fluctuate from one child to the next. As a general rule, girls typically get their teeth before boys do.

The first permanent molars that erupt will be around age six. We usually call these “six-year molars” or “first molars”. The second set erupts around age 12, which is why we call them the “12-year molars” or “second molars.”

Sealants for Adult Molars

Molars have deep grooves and pits on their chewing surfaces. Some of these tiny crevices can be too narrow to clean with a toothbrush bristle, making them more prone to cavities than some other areas throughout the mouth.

To limit your child’s risk of cavities in such hard-to-clean spaces, most family and pediatric dentists recommend protecting them with sealants.

Sealants are thin, plastic-like coatings that cover the grooves and pits on molars. When applied, they make those spaces easier to clean and reduce your child’s rate of developing cavities. Pediatric dental sealants in Brighton are only recommended for permanent molars in most cases. Rarely do we advise placing them on smoother baby (primary) molars.

The great news is that sealants only take a few minutes to apply, so we can usually add them to your child’s regular dental checkup. No needles or numbing are needed. Better yet, they’re typically covered at 100% by your dental insurance!

What About Wisdom Teeth?

The third and final set of permanent molars to erupt are usually referred to as “wisdom teeth.” Even though wisdom teeth begin developing when your child is very young, they will usually be in high school before those molars start to erupt. Which is why wisdom tooth removal frequently occurs when your child is a teenager or before they go off to college (or when they come home for spring break.)

Wisdom teeth continue to develop well into a person’s 20s. They may not be fully formed until your child is almost 30 years old! The earlier they’re removed, the less of a risk they pose to your child’s overall smile.

Does My Teen Need Their Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Because of their location in the mouth, wisdom teeth are much more susceptible to decay and infection, not to mention pain. Although it would be possible to treat those infections, they’re at an increased chance of recurring complications. In time, those cavities or gum infections can spread into the neighboring, healthy teeth.

To protect your teen’s smile and keep all of their other teeth healthy, wisdom tooth removal may be advised. Our dentists can evaluate your teen’s molars to assess how they’re positioned and whether they are at an increased risk of complication. If wisdom tooth extractions are recommended, we’ll guide you through the next steps.

Sealants, Wisdom Tooth Exams in Brighton

With spring break coming up soon, now is a great time to plan dental sealants or wisdom teeth evaluations for your child or teen. Contact Kids City Dental today to reserve an appointment.

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