2331 Prairie Center Parkway, Suite D Brighton, Colorado 80601  [email protected]      (720) 797-9779

What are sealants?

  • Sealants are white filling material
  • They are placed on the deep grooves of the teeth in the back.
  • No drilling needed
  • No shots needed

What do they do?

  • Reduce risk of cavities
  • Prevent accumulation of plaque and sugary snacks from settling in the deep grooves of teeth
  • Simplify brushing

When should I get a sealant?

  • At every appointment, we will evaluate and discuss if sealants could benefit your child.
  • Baby teeth can receive a sealant if the patient is cooperative and at high risk for cavities.
  • Once a new adult tooth erupts it is very beneficial to seal the tooth to help prevent a cavity.
  • At age 6, the first permanent molar erupts and is very vulnerable to decay.
pediatric dental care in Brighton
child dentist in Brighton
kids dentist in Brighton